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Our extensive product selection offers a vast choice of colours, sizes, textures and decorative

finishes for the resin surfacing industry. However as products encompass varied market sectors, it is

important to understand the part aggregates play in ensuring the suitability, performance and life

expectancy of the finished surface. Where applicable, industry recognised full technical data is

supplied and listed for the majority of our products. A brief explanation of these industry standards

are listed below. To further assist as a guide to the products’ suitability, and where industry data is

not available, we have included a number index rating between 1 and 5 for all of our products,

defined in the table below.


PSV = Polished Stone Value

The resistance of an aggregate to polishing and therefore

a measure of skid resistance. PSV should not be viewed in

isolation as aggregates with a high PSV may be likely to

abrade easily (high AAV). PSV values in excess of 58 are

generally acceptable for highway wearing courses.


SRV = Skid Resistance Value

A measure of the skid resistance of aggregate within the

texture of a system. The greater value the higher the skid



AAV = Aggregate Abrasion Value

The resistance of an aggregate to abrasion. The lower the

AAV, the more resistant the aggregate is to wearing.

Values of less than 16 are acceptable for highway

wearing courses.


Technical Data Sheets


We supply full technical data,

including grading, physical

and chemical analysis on our

full product range which can

be downloaded directly from

our website or requested via a

member of our sales team.


AIV = Aggregate Impact Value

The resistance of an aggregate to impact stress produced

from a moving vehicle. Values of less than 20 are

acceptable for highway wearing courses.


ACV = Aggregate Crushing Value

The resistance of an aggregate to crushing. The lower the

ACV the more resistant the aggregate is to crushing.


LA = Los Angeles Coefficient

The resistance of fragmentation is a measure of the

toughness of an aggregate and is viewed as a

representative measure of both degradation and

crushing stress values. Values less than 30 are acceptable

for highway wearing courses.


Some of the gravel and shingle supplied may occasionally

contain very minor concentrations of iron minerals, which

upon weathering may result in areas of rust staining. These

iron minerals occur naturally within the gravel deposits and

DGS Services cannot be held responsible for any loss

or damage suffered as a result of rust staining. By way of

guidance to users of our products we have included the risk

of iron staining (RIS) assessment on our range of gravels and

shingles. This guide is purely a subjective assessment, based

on our own experience with these products and may be

subject to change as our database expands.


This scale is defined as follows:

* No likelihood of any rust staining

** No previous recorded instances of rust staining within

this product

*** Potential for rust staining within this rock type with

recorded instances.


1) Performance Index Suitability Note

Product only suited for use within bound systems,

for foot traffic use.


2) Product suited to all bound systems and bonded

systems primarily for foot trafficked areas or areas

of occasional domestic, light traffic.


3) Product suited to all bound systems and bonded

systems subject to a medium degree of vehicular

traffic, including vans but not heavy goods.


4) Product suited to all bound systems and bonded

systems subject to heavy wear from continual

traffic including vans but not heavy goods.


5) Product suited to all bound systems and bonded

systems subject to heavy wear from all forms of

transport including heavy goods.

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